How To Keep Your Heart Healthy | SBI Life Insurance
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7 effective ways to keep your heart healthy

Lifestyle tips and tricks The heart is one of the most important organs of the body. It is responsible for the pumping of oxygenated blood to all the parts of the body and assists in draining the deoxygenated blood. Thus, the heart is essential for your body to function properly.

7 effective ways to keep your heart healthy

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How to keep Heart healthy

The heart is one of the most important organs of the body. It is responsible for the pumping of oxygenated blood to all the parts of the body and assists in draining the deoxygenated blood. Thus, the heart is essential for your body to function properly. 

However, with the changing lifestyle, we are at an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. So much, that the World Heart Association has declared Heart diseases to be the No. 1 killer amongst Non-communicable diseases. Hence, it is essential to be aware and work towards managing your heart health. But how do you manage heart health? We list 7 ways in which you can ensure that your heart stays healthy and keeps beating -

Stay active​

The heart being a muscle, regular activity can keep it going. Staying activity strengthens your heart and improves your health in general. You can go for a jog, a run or even opt for a swimming or yoga session. The activity does not have to be strenuous or something you dread. Instead, choose something that you enjoy and make it a part of your everyday life.

Lose weight​

Losing weight can help maintain your heart health naturally. It is not just limited to exercising and restricting your calorie intake. It is a personal journey wherein you make changes in your lifestyle and stick to it to shed those calories and keep them off. Rather than adopting fad diets and quick weight-loss hacks that can harm your body and have unpleasant side-effects, adopt healthy eating habits and make long-term lifestyle changes.

Stick to a healthy diet​

Cut down on unhealthy foods containing trans fats and saturated fatty acids.Substitute them with other foods high in healthy cholesterol.Adding healthy fats to your diet that can boost your heart health. Foodstuffs like salmon, nuts, olive oil and eggs contain healthy fats that are essential for your heart to function.


We lead a fast and unhealthy lifestyle. This leads to stress. Stress can be harmful to your heart health and your body. The body reacts negatively to stress. It is known to cause a spike in blood pressure along with increased heart rate. It can also cause mental issues and affect your productivity. You can reduce stress by practising yoga or meditation every day. There are mobile applications and online tutorials on how to manage stress, as well.

Quit smoking​

Smoking is one of the major causes of cardiac arrests. Apart from this, it also affects the lungs and your overall health. Hence, it is essential to quit smoking for maintaining your heart health. Various strategies can help you quit smoking- from chewing gums to nicotine patches and therapy. You can choose whichever suits you the best.

These tips can help if you are wondering how to manage cardiac health. However, heart diseases have been known to occur to healthy people too. Hence, it is advisable to be prepared for the worst. A life and critical illness cover can help you be ready for any eventuality. They cover almost all major cardiovascular diseases. This cover can help you avail expert healthcare, diagnostics and medicines in case you are affected by a cardiovascular disease. Therefore, you must consider purchasing a critical life insurance plan at the earliest


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