ఉపాధి అవకాశాలు

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ఉపాధి అవకాశాలు

ఉపాధి అవకాశాలు

ఎస్‌బిఐ లైఫ్‌లో మేము ఉద్యోగం మాత్రమే కాకుండా, ఉపాధి అవకాశాలను అందిస్తాము.

సంవత్సరాలుగా, మేము మా పనితీరు మరియు విధానాలకు పలు అవార్డులు మరియు ప్రశంసలను స్వీకరించాము. ఒక సంస్థ యొక్క పనితీరు దాని ఉద్యోగుల సంతృప్తి మరియు వృత్తిపరమైన పురోగతికి బలంగా అనుబంధించబడి ఉంటుందని మేము విశ్వసిస్తాము.

మంచి లాభాలను అందించే ఉపాధి కోసం మరియు మంచి నైపుణ్యాన్ని సంపాదించగల ఉత్సాహభరితమైన పర్యావరణంలో పని చేయడానికి ఎస్‌బిఐ లైఫ్‌లో చేరమని మేము ఆహ్వానిస్తున్నాము.

You may view our current vacancies or email your CV / resume to careers@sbilife.co.in


ఉద్యోగుల అభిప్రాయం

“SBI Life is an organization that believes in investing in employees’ development. I had joined SBI Life as a Management Trainee. The wide range of learning and development opportunities with a flavour of overall capability building has helped in expanding my knowledge arena. The amount of time and investment put into the L&D initiatives is tremendous. The orientation programme for the MTs itself is for 1 month. The detailed L&D modules gave me an indepth understanding of the organization as a whole. A strong foundation at the beginning of my career helped me tremendously.

“ The last 13 years of working in SBI Life has indeed been an enriching experience. It is a great place for young minds which provides enough space and formal platforms for creativity and ideation. It also helps in implementing those ideas and allows talent to prosper through various innovative platforms. All these initiatives helped me to ‘think out of the box’ and simultaneously provide relevant solutions to the organization. Such platforms encourage teamwork and collaboration and make us love our work.”

“When I joined SBI Life three years back and working with SBI Life has been a true pleasure. The flexibility, engagement activities and work-life balance are at a different level altogether. As our tag line states, we actually ‘Celebrate Life’ in this organization. Camaraderie between employees is also encouraged through various informal activities some of them common across the organization and some based on regional importance honouring local sentiments and festivities. SBI Life believes in treating all employees with similar measures/ yardsticks when it comes to the R&R and compensation & benefits.”

“One of the good things about SBI Life is its open and free culture. The Sr. Management is approachable and receptive of new ideas. You have an opportunity to grow by your own efforts. One of the most important aspect of this organization is employee empowerment. It is a great place to work as it is a diverse organization with talented people, great leadership, as well as a collaborative culture.”