Prostate Cancer Treatment - Symptoms & Preventions Tips
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Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Cancer Cover and Much More

Lifestyle tips and tricks Prostate cancer mostly affects male above the age of 40 years. There may be no symptoms or signs may appear late. Thus, it is of utmost importance to be aware of this malignant disease so that it can be diagnosed early and treated. Read on to know more about prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Cancer Cover and Much More

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Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer mostly affects male above the age of 40 years. There may be no symptoms or signs may appear late. Thus, it is of utmost importance to be aware of this malignant disease so that it can be diagnosed early and treated. Read on to know more about prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer is asymptomatic in the initial stages. Only when the tumour grows, the enlarging prostate puts pressure in the tract carrying urine from bladder to the urethra; and this is when the cancer can be detected. Symptoms of prostate cancer include:

  • Frequent urination or frequent urge to urinate
  • Trouble urinating
  • Inability to control urine
  • Weak force or interrupted flow in the stream of urine
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination
  • Failure to fully empty the bladder
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Persistent pain in the back or pelvic region 
  • Pain during ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction 
Due to old age, men may develop an enlarged prostate. This condition should not be confused with prostate cancer. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, get yourself checked immediately.  


Your doctor will take into account all factors such as age, sex, medical history and family’s medical history when prescribing you a prostate cancer treatment. Some of the most effective prostate cancer treatment methods are:

1. Wait and watch

When the cancer is in its initial stages, your doctor may advise you to wait and watch if it continues to grow or spread before starting with the treatment. The doctor may usually wait until the symptoms start to show. Meanwhile, you will need to undergo regular ultrasounds, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests, rectal examinations and biopsy to check the progression of the cancer. This method is used when the cancer is confined and small and shows no symptoms. If the cancer progresses, then you will need to undergo further treatment. 

2.Surgery (Radical Prostatectomy)

Surgical method involves removing the prostate gland and the surrounding tissues. Radical prostatectomy is opted for in cases where the cancer is limited to the prostate gland and has not progressed further. However, there is some possibility of the cancer relapsing. Side-effects of this method include urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control) and erectile dysfunction.Discuss these issues with your doctor to see if it is plausible that the surrounding nerves can be protected from the surgery to avert the side-effects.

3.Hormone Therapy

The hormone therapy reduces the male hormones, called androgens, which stimulates the growth of prostate cancer cells. The androgen suppression method lowers the androgen levels in the body, thus shrinking the tumour or slowing its progression. However, this therapy alone cannot cure prostate cancer. Often, hormone therapy is followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy.  

4.Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses high energy beams to kill the cancerous cells. This method can be used if the cancer has not progressed beyond the prostate. Radiation therapy also slows the progression of the cancer. Side effects of this method include diarrhoea, involuntary and painful urination, and erectile dysfunction.  


It is an aggressive therapy using drugs to kill and slow down the growth of the tumour. This therapy can be adopted if the cancer has already spread and is in advanced stages. However, one of the side-effects of chemotherapy is that it may also damage the healthy cells of the body. 

Prevention Tips

There might be no perfect way to prevent cancer, but healthy changes to diet and lifestyle can certainly lower the risk. The following prevention tips will help in reducing the chances of you developing cancer: 

  • Control your diet 

    • Avoid food with high trans-fats and saturated fats such as dairy and animal products. Try for the healthier versions and ‘good’ fats like omega-3 fatty acid found in nuts, spinach and fish.
    • Increase your intake of green and leafy vegetables and fruits. The vitamins and nutrients found in vegetable and fruits lower the risk of the cancer.
    • Cut down on sweetened drinks and processed food with high sodium composition. Limit using canned or frozen foods.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle : Stay active and exercise regularly.This not only will reduce the risks of cancer but also a host of other diseases. Staying active is essential for your prostate health. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, chalk out time for your exercise regime or any other physical activity. A healthy body-mass index can help ward off cancer.  


How Cancer Insurance can help-

A Cancer insurance plan covers the medical costs arising from the detection to the diagnosis of cancer and further treatment and recuperation. The cancer-specific plan is a must-have as it gives you access to the best treatment available regardless of the cost. You can also consult experts and specialists in state-of-the-art hospitals without having to worry about your finances. Not only that, but the cancer plan also substitutes for your regular income and shields your family from any financial repercussions in case you fall prey to this deadly disease.


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