Safety Tips on Resuming Work from Office after Lockdown | SBI Life
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Precautions that you need to take while resuming work from office after lockdown

Life Hacks The lockdown due to the coronavirus is slowly being lifted across the county. With it, some offices are starting to resume work. Although organisations are taking necessary precautions to protect the employees from any possible harm

Precautions that you need to take while resuming work from office after lockdown

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Work from office after lockdown

The lockdown due to the coronavirus is slowly being lifted across the county. With it, some offices are starting to resume work. Although organisations are taking necessary precautions to protect the employees from any possible harm in the workplace, the fear of getting infected remains. In addition to these measures by the organisations, you should ensure that you too do your part to stay safe when resuming work after the lockdown. In case you are planning to start working from office, here are some tipsthat can help keep you safe when you resume work.

Use PPEs- You can stay safe from getting infected by the virus only by taking active precautions. Always wear a mask and gloves when leaving for work. If possible, carry a zip-lock bag to put your mask in when you are not using it. A better option is to carry multiple disposable masks and gloves. Keep on replacing your PPEs at regular intervals. However, remember to discard the used PPEs carefully.

Travel safe- Travelling to your workplace in public transport or otherwise may not be safe. Use a private vehicle if possible. If you are travelling in public transport or sharing a taxi, make sure to maintain social distancing from your co-passengers. If there are too many passengers, skip the ride, and wait for the next one. Do not remove your mask and avoid touching door handles or the seat unnecessarily. Do not use paper money and make digital transactions to pay your fare; it is safer. Also, avoid travelling during peak hours, if possible.

Sanitize frequently- Carry a good alcohol-based hand sanitiser and tissues in your bag. Sanitise your hands immediately after you happen to touch an alien surface, in buses, trains or even inside the cab. Avoid common touch points like elevator buttons, door-handles, biometric system or your colleague’s laptop etc. at work. Ensure that you sanitise your desk, monitor, keyboard and everything that you regularly use in the office.

Adhere to safety norms- While you’re at work, you will be in contact with people most of the time. Hence it is advisable to wear a mask at all times. Maintain at least 6 feet distance from your colleagues. Avoid handshakes, hugs or any physical contact like a pat on the back. You should avoid large physical meetings and gatherings. Travelling for business or meetings is also a strict NO-NO. Stick to phone calls, virtual conferencing and online meetings.

Eat safe- Carry a tiffin from home and do not share it with your colleagues or eat from other’s lunchboxes. Also, prefer not to order food from outside or your office canteen. Staggered lunch breaks are encouraged. Make sure that you wash your hands properly for at least 20 seconds before eating. Do not touch tables and other surfaces while eating. It is also advisable to bring your spoons and cutlery rather than using those from the office canteen.

Ensure safety at home- When you return from work, head straight to the bathroom and take a shower or wash your hands and feet for at least 20 seconds. Use a good disinfecting soap while washing yourself. Sanitise your bag or briefcase, mobile, keys, wallet, belt and everything you regularly use with a potent disinfectant daily. Follow these measures regularly to ensure that you do not spread the virus from your things to surfaces in the house and risk affecting your family.

Though these safety tips to resume work are effective, know that you should follow these religiously and avoid contact with others as much as possible. If there is an option, prefer working from home, because, the lesser exposure you have to others, the smaller is the risk of you contracting the coronavirus.


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