The lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has people sitting at home. With the safety of employees in mind, many companies have asked them to work remotely. So, even though you may save on the daily travel, working from home comes with its own set of challenges. We give you a few tips for working from home effectively. They can help cope with the new style of working and keep up your productivity.
Maintain a schedule and stick to it
This is one of the most important work from home tips. When you are working from home, the work often spills over into your personal life if you do not set a boundary. Hence, you should plan your day and stick to the working hours. Make a schedule with timings when you will be starting and when you will be done. This will help maintain your work-life balance. Even though flexibility is one of the perks of working from home, make sure that you do not spend hours on your laptop
Take a break
When planning your day, ensure to fit in breaks. Staring at a laptop screen for hours on end can be detrimental to your health. It can affect your back and your eyes as well. As in office, take short breaks in between work. You can get up to stretch yourself. Walk around the house for a bit, play with your pet, or fit in a short game or solve a crossword puzzle. You can also set aside time for a power nap. This work from home tip can help boost your productivity..
Set ground rules
Even though you are working from home, it is important to set ground rules for your family members or housemates. Be clear about your availability and what they can do and cannot while you are working. If you are in a meeting or a conference call, you would not want your child or pet disturbing you; or if you are in the middle of something important, you cannot get up to answer the doorbell. Convey this to those living with you. If you help with the household chores, ensure to plan them such that they do not affect your work.
Keep a dedicated office space
Dedicating a corner for office use can help you in working from home more effectively. It need not be a different room. Just a table and chair will work just fine. Ensure that you have chargers and plug point nearby to charge all your electronics. Also, keep all your work documents handy and within reach. Make space for stationery to take down notes. This will create an office-like environment in addition to keeping everything that you need within reach.
Ask for what you need
If you are working home and you need any assistance from your employer, do not hesitate to ask for it. You can ask for a chair, table or a laptop stand if you do not have a proper work setup at home. Some companies even provide internet connections or reimburse internet usage and mobile phone bills for employees working from home. Ask your HR if they can help you with the same. You can also ask for a laptop or PC along with other peripherals to help you work more productively.
Take leaves
When you are working from home, the flexibility might prevent you from taking leaves. However, you need to avail your leaves before they lapse. If you are ill, an urgent project or an approaching deadline may deter you from taking a sick day. However, it is better to rest and recuperate as it will help you get better and increase your productivity. When taking a leave, make sure to keep your manager and your teammates in the loop.
Don’t be too hard on yourself
It takes discipline and serious focus to be productive when working from home. It is common to find your attention drifting or be distracted. If you find yourself working one minute, and shopping for groceries online the next, do not be too harsh on yourself. Cut yourself some slack and concentrate on getting work done. This is one of the most effective work from home tips. You can identify your triggers and keep yourself on track with alarms and reminders. If you feel that you are getting distracted, take a break. Remember that productivity comes only with self-care.
It is challenging to keep up your productivity when working from home. However, following these simple work from home tips can help you work more productively and effectively from wherever you are.