Not only has COVID-19 had taken a tremendous toll on the health of people, it has also impacted the ability to work and go to school or college. In fact, around 32 crore students have been affected by the coronavirus-related restrictions. Although some have been taking online classes, for the rest, getting education has been extremely difficult. And crores of office-going people are forced to work from home.
But the good news is that the restrictions are slowly being lifted. Offices have been allowed to work at 50% capacity from May 18. Schools are expected to open possibly after August 15, although in a phased manner and only those that are outside containment zones.
But when they reopen, there are certain guidelines that must be followed for the safety of all those coming to the office, school, or college. Here are the guidelines:
For Schools and Colleges
Some of the likely safety guidelines decided by the HRD ministry for ensuring safety in schools and colleges are:
- Wearing of face mask should be made compulsory at all times for every student, teacher, and staff member. Teachers should also be wearing gloves.
- Check the body temperature of every person entering the school or college premises. In case anyone has fever, they should not be allowed to enter.
- Students should maintain social distancing at all times. For this, at the most, 2 students should be made to sit on a 3-student desk. And if it is a 2-student desk, then only a single student should be allowed on it. Social distancing should also be enforced in school buses.
- The morning assemblies and sports activities in schools can be cancelled. During these activities, maintaining social distancing can prove to be difficult.
- There should also be disinfection of school buses after each round.
- There should also be a doctor and nurse present in the school at all times. In case, anyone shows symptoms of coronavirus, they should be able to handle the situation properly and place them in an isolation room to contain the spread.
Apart from these measures, there should be sessions to answer queries related to coronavirus and address any anxiety that they may feel due to the situation.

For Offices
When it comes to offices, the following safety guidelines can be followed:
- There should be thermal scanning at all entry points. Only those with normal temperature should be allowed inside.
- Hand sanitizers should be placed throughout the office. Also, tell them to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.
- There should be physical distancing of at least 1 meter at all times.
- Try to get your employees to work from home for as long as possible.
- Respiratory etiquette should be followed. This demands all employees to cover their mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. And afterwards, the used tissue should be disposed properly.
- The workplace and common facilities should be sanitized regularly. Special emphasis should be put on places that come in frequent human contact, such as door handles.
Offices, schools and colleges might have started to reopen slowly. But it is important to remember that the threat isn’t over. The only way to be safe is by following proper safety guidelines when offices and schools reopen