As fulfilling as it is, becoming a parent is also a one of the toughest challenging experience you will ever to have. You always want your children to be happy, and at times you may feel like you are struggling failing as a parent. However, it is important to understand that highs and lows are a part of the parental journey. It will help you raise happy and healthy children. Here are some of the tips that will help you on through this beautiful journey.
Boost your child`s self-esteem:
The sense of self is developed at a very young age. Every little action of yours has its effect on your children. Praise more often and appreciate little good habits, it will make them feel proud. Act with care and compassion, teach them that is OK to make mistakes. Compliment rather than criticizing.

Spend time with them:
The new age parents often find themselves stuck between work and home. Especially, when both parents are working, it is difficult to spend quality time with kids. There is nothing in this world that your kids will like more than your time. Even if you have a hectic work schedule, ensure that you pay enough attention to your little ones. Eating breakfast together, going for a walk will help you in keeping up with everything that is going on in their lives.
Set an example:
Your kids wont listen to your preaching until you practice follow what you preach. Also, children are quick learners, they will immediately start acting the way they see you acting. So be careful of all your actions before children. If you wish to teach them something, put it in your actions first.
Invest in their future:
From education to healthcare, expenses are constantly increasing. To be able to give your children the best of all facilities, you will have to start saving today. There are several avenues that will help you with the growth multiplication of your money over the years. Moreover, there are child insurance plans, specially designed to cater to growing needs of children. Investing in these will accumulate money for a brighter future.
Understand your child`s uniqueness:
Every child is unique and special and comparing them with other kids will hinder their growth process. Every child has his/her dreams, skills, talents, etc. Let them explore as much as they want to and identify their strengths. If you treat your child as inferior to anyone else, he/she will gradually lose self-confidence.
Following the above tips will not only help you raise healthy children but also it will help you fulfill the mainly objective building a better future life for your little ones.