‘It is simple to be happy, but it is difficult to be simple…’ This profound statement sums up the meaning and ethos of human happiness. So what does it take to make your life easier? Let’s find out:
#1.Be healthy.
Good health comprises not just a fit body but a healthy mind in tune with your emotional needs. It begins with taking care of your body via exercise, proper diet and also securing your future health needs by taking a good health insurance policy. A healthy body often incubates a healthy mind, so try stress-relief measures every day.
#2.Embrace clean living.
The biggest bane of modern life is the clutter, negativity, unclean air and a host of bad habits that make life tougher than it is. Living as ‘cleanly’ as possible ensures personal and environmental protection. It starts with using products that are ethically created, and eating food that is cleanly harvested with minimal chemical intervention. Clean living also comprises cultivating non-polluting habits and behaviours.how much money you save.

#3.Exercise regularly to delay ageing.
If your body is already showing signs of ageing (fine lines on your skin, creaky knees, longer time to heal from injuries) then you need to take preventive action ASAP. Do not pop health supplements just yet – try going down the route of regular exercise. Exercise keeps your body in prime condition by improving all its processes. You can see the results with a fitter, leaner body, better skin and hair health, and a positive frame of mind overall.
#4.Manage your money responsibly.
Most of man’s unhappiness stems from money troubles. Whether you have too much of it or too less, you still need to manage your finances responsibly. Secure your future and that of your loved ones, and cut out unnecessary spending. But set aside money to enjoy life as well!
#5.Use technology wisely.
Technology aids and assists you in making your life easier, so try everything that saves effort and time – these can be used for other, more meaningful pursuits. But do ensure that technology does not consume you and end up wasting your time.
#6.Be kind.
You would be amazed at how simple life becomes when you have empathy for all. Showing kindness – soothing a crying child, lending a shoulder to an upset person – chalks up brownie points in your karmic chart. The more goodwill you extend towards others, the more it returns to you!
#7.Be open to change.
Resisting change will back you into a corner. Taking each day as it comes, embracing new trends, making new friends – all of these simplify your life and enrich it.
#8.Cut yourself some slack.
Life is tough enough without you being so hard on yourself. Tell yourself that you will accomplish the goals that you still haven’t, and that you are a good person who is trying to be better every day. Showing self-love will help you love others, too.