Types of Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Stages | SBI Life
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Breast cancer: Things about it that you should know

Insurance Basics & Financial Advice Breast Cancer is the most common type of Cancer that women across all ages suffer from. Studies show that 1 out of every 38 woman dies due to breast cancer. The awareness about breast cancer in the general population has been on the rise in recent times. Read on to know more about the causes, types and symptoms of breast cancer.

Breast cancer: Things about it that you should know

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Breast Cancer – Causes, Symptoms & Types of Breast Cancer | SBI Life
Breast Cancer is the most common type of Cancer that women across all ages suffer from. Studies show that 1 out of every 38 woman dies due to breast cancer. The awareness about breast cancer in the general population has been on the rise in recent times. Read on to know more about the causes, types and symptoms of breast cancer.
A woman’s breast consists of lobules, connective tissue and fats. The lobules are milk-producing tiny glands connected to tiny ducts which carry milk to the nipples.
In cancer, the cells grow and divide uncontrollably. This excessive cell growth, causes the nearby tissue to die as the cancerous tumour uses up all the nutrients and energy meant for the tissue around it.
Starting from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules, it can spread to other lymph nodes and other parts of the body.



Breast cancer can be classified according to the place of origin as-

Ductal Carcinoma- This type of cancer starts in the cuts that connect the lobules to the nipples
Lobular Carcinoma- This type of breast cancer starts in the lobules
Breast Cancer can also be classified as invasive and non-invasive.
Invasive breast cancer- In this, the cancer cells break out from inside the ducts or the lobules and invade the neighbouring tissue.
Non-invasive breast cancer- In this type of cancer, the cells remain inside the place of origin and do not spread. Non-invasive breast cancer can progress to invasive breast cancer.
Breast cancer symptoms are evident easily if you pay attention. You should visit a doctor for a checkup if you feel a lump or find thickened skin on your breast or in your armpit. Other symptoms include-
  • Pain in the breast or the armpits.
  • Pitting or reddening of the skin on the breast
  • Peeling, flaking or scaling of the breast skin
  • Rash on or around either or both of the nipples
  • Discharge (possibly containing blood) from the nipples
  • Sunken or an inverted nipple
  • A change in the shape, size or feel of the breast
A thing to note here is that not all lumps are indicative of breast cancer. A doctor can best help diagnose it for you.


Stages of breast cancer

Breast cancer is classified based on the size of the lump or tumour detected and whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body.
Following are the generally recognized stages of breast cancer-

Stage 0- Carcinoma in situ or ductal carcinoma in situ, in this the cancer cells are limited to the ducts and have not yet invaded the surrounding tissue.

Stage 1- Typically characterized by tumour up to the size 2 cm across, the cancer cells have not yet or minimally entered the lymph nodes.

Stage 2- A 2 cm tumour that has started to spread to the nearby nodes or a 2-5 cm and not yet spread to the adjacent nodes.
Stage 3- In this, the tumour is up to 5 cm across and has spread to a few nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 4- The Cancer has spread to other organs.


Breast cancer can affect you without warning. Breast cancer treatment being expensive, it can pose a serious risk to your life long savings. A standard health plan does not cover the treatment, medication and the hospitalization required. Hence, purchasing a stand-alone Cancer policy with support for breast cancer treatment is a worthy investment.


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