UIN: 111L146V01
Product Code: 3S
Unit Linked, Non Participating Insurance plan
Male Female Third GenderStaff:
Yes NoSum Assured
Premium frequency
Premium amount
Premium Payment Term
Policy Term
Maturity Benefit
At assumed rate of returns** @ 4%Applicable only for in-force policies:
Applicable only for in-force policies:
For Gold Option: Highest of Fund Value as on date of intimation of death claim or Sum Assured less applicable partial withdrawal* or 105% of Total Premiums Paid^ upto the date of death.
*Applicable partial withdrawal is equal to partial withdrawals if any in the last 2 years immediately preceding the death of the Life assured.
^Total premiums paid" means total of all the premiums received under the base product including top-ups premium paid, if any
For Platinum Option: Higher of (Fund Value as on date of claim intimation plus Sum Assured) or 105% of total premiums received upto the date of death is payable.
Accidental Death and Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (Accident Benefit):
Provides an additional benefit for Accidental Death or Accidental TPD.
The death benefit can be taken as a lump sum or as per settlement option.
Settlement Option: Nominee or beneficiary or legal heir has the option to receive the Death Benefit, in instalments over 2 to 5 years under ‘Settlement’ Option as yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly payouts as required, from the date of death.