Smart Elite Plus | High Income Individual Insurance Plan | SBI Life Insurance
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SBI Life - Smart Elite Plus

UIN: 111L146V01

Product Code: 3S

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SBI Life Smart Elite Plus Premium Details
An Individual, Unit-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance Saving Product.

"The Unit Linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholders will not be able to surrender or withdraw the monies invested in Unit Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of fifth year"

Are you seeking solutions to propel your wealth creation efforts? Do you prefer greater flexibility in managing your investments?

We have the solution you are looking for.

SBI Life – Smart Elite Plus provides life cover and allows you to maximize your savings through market-linked returns and features that empower you with greater control in managing your investment portfolio.

SBI Life – Smart Elite Plus offers:
  • Security – ensuring your family’s financial protection
  • Flexibility – to pay premiums for a limited pay or single pay, and choose from a wide range of funds
  • Liquidity – with partial withdrawals from the 6th policy year

^Inbuilt additional coverage against Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) and Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (ATPD) Benefit.

Fill in your details in the Benefit Illustrator below and see how you can benefit from this plan.
Seek only the best in every sphere of your life!


SBI Life Smart Elite Plus

Unit Linked, Non Participating Insurance plan

Buy Now Calculate Premium

Manpreet, a businesswoman by profession, can maximize her wealth by investing in instruments of her choice while securing her family’s financial future.

Fill in the form fields below and enjoy the benefits of SBI Life – Smart Elite Plus.




Male Female Third Gender


Yes No

Let's finalize the policy duration you are comfortable with...

Policy Term

15 30

Plan Type


Channel Type

A little information about the premium options...

Premium Frequency Mode

Premium Amount

250000 250000000

Premium Payment Term Option

Select Plan


How would you like to split your investment?

Equity EliteFund II (%)

0 100

Balanced Fund (%)

0 100

Bond Fund (%)

0 100

Money Market Fund (%)

0 100

Bond Optimiser Fund (%)

0 100

Midcap Fund (%)

0 100

Pure Fund (%)

0 100

Corporate Bond Fund (%)

0 100

Bluechip Fund (%)

0 100


Sum Assured

Premium frequency

Premium amount

Premium Payment Term

Policy Term

Maturity Benefit

At assumed rate of returns** @ 4%

@ 8%

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  • Two protection options available – Gold option and Platinum option
  • Inbuilt Accidental Benefit Cover
  • Limited and single pay payment options
  • Switch and redirection facility to pilot your investments
  • Partial withdrawals from 6th policy year



  • Safeguard your family financially in the case of any eventuality


  • Choose premium payment term according to your requirements
  • Modify your fund allocation as per changing market conditions


  • Meet any unexpected expenses with partial withdrawals from 6th policy year

Avail tax benefits&

Maturity Benefit:

Applicable only for in-force policies:

  • On completion of Policy Term, Fund Value as on the date of maturity will be paid.

Death Benefit:

Applicable only for in-force policies:

For Gold Option: Highest of Fund Value as on date of intimation of death claim or Sum Assured less applicable partial withdrawal* or 105% of Total Premiums Paid^ upto the date of death.

*Applicable partial withdrawal is equal to partial withdrawals if any in the last 2 years immediately preceding the death of the Life assured.

^Total premiums paid" means total of all the premiums received under the base product including top-ups premium paid, if any

For Platinum Option: Higher of (Fund Value as on date of claim intimation plus Sum Assured) or 105% of total premiums received upto the date of death is payable.

In-built Benefit:

Accidental Death and Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (Accident Benefit):

Provides an additional benefit for Accidental Death or Accidental TPD.

The death benefit can be taken as a lump sum or as per settlement option.

Settlement Option: Nominee or beneficiary or legal heir has the option to receive the Death Benefit, in instalments over 2 to 5 years under ‘Settlement’ Option as yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly payouts as required, from the date of death.

Note: During the settlement period, the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the beneficiary.

Tax Benefits&

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions of SBI Life – Smart Elite Plus , read the following documents carefully.
SBI Life Smart Elite Plus Premium Details
1Age mentioned in this document is age last birthday.
Where Sum Assured for Limited Pay is Annualized Premium × 7 and for Single Pay is Single Premium × 1.25
2“Annualized premium” means the premium amount payable in a year excluding taxes, rider premiums and underwriting extra premium on riders, if any.”
3Single Premium means the premium amount payable in lump sum at policy inception excluding taxes, rider premiums and underwriting extra premiums on riders, if any


Various charges such as ‘Premium Allocation Charges’, ‘Policy Administration Charges’, ‘Fund Management Charges’ etc are deducted. For the complete list of charges and their workings, please refer the Sales Brochure.
All the charges except Premium Allocation Charges and Mortality Charges are subject to revision with the prevalent Regulations.
**Assumed rates of returns @4% and @8% p. a., are only illustrative scenarios at these rates after considering all applicable charges. These are not guaranteed and they are not higher or lower limits of returns. Unit Linked Life Insurance products are subject to market risks. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans and their future prospects or returns.
Unit Linked Life Insurance Products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to market risks. The premium paid in Unit Linked Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured / policyholder is responsible for his/her decisions.
SBI Life Insurance Company is only the name of the Insurance Company and SBI Life – Smart Elite Plus is only the name of the unit linked life insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your insurance agent or the intermediary or policy document.
The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects or returns. Past performance of the Fund Options is not indicative of future performance.
All benefits payable under this policy are subject to tax laws and other fiscal enactments in-effect from time to time, please consult your tax advisor for details.
For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
&Tax Benefits:
Tax benefits are as per Income Tax Laws & are subject to change from time to time. Please consult your Tax advisor for details.
You may be eligible for Income Tax benefits/exemptions as per the applicable income tax laws in India, which are subject to change from time to time. For further details click here.