UIN: 111N148V01
Product Code: 3W
SBI Life Smart Swadhan Neo
Male Female Third GenderStaff:
Yes NoSum Assured
Premium frequency
Premium amount
(excluding taxes)
Premium Payment Term
Policy Term
Maturity Benefit
Maturity Benefit (For In-force policies):
On survival of the Life Assured up to maturity, 100% of the Total Premiums paid# during the policy tenure, will be paid in a lumpsum.
Death Benefit (For In-force policies):
In the unfortunate event of death of the Life Assured during the policy term, Sum Assured on Death will be payable to the Nominee / Legal Heir in lumpsum.
Sum Assured on death:
For Single Premium (SP) Policies: Higher of (Sum Assured@ or 125% of Single Premium)
For Limited Premium Payment Term (LPPT) / Regular Premium (RP) Policies:
Highest of (Sum Assured@ or 10 times of Annualized Premium** or 105% of the Total Premiums paid# till the date of death)
There is no waiting period under the product. The Life Cover Benefit would be same (as defined above) throughout the policy term.
@Sum Assured is the absolute amount of benefit chosen by the policyholder at the inception of the policy.
**Annualized Premium is the premium amount payable in a year, excluding taxes, rider premium, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums.
For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions of SBI Life - Smart Swadhan Neo, read the following documents carefully.